Life on Mars
Black Astronaut
Welcome to SoundChick's first-ever rap and hip-hop album review. As you you know, we have exclusively catered to the heavy metal crowd, however, there has been a growing call to reach out to other music genres. And this SoundChick is finally open to expanding her horizons.
The premier album I've reviewed is "Life on Mars," by Black Astronaut. I'm glad that I gave this album a shot because it's nothing like your typical record. This album is unique. It denies the generic rap or hip-hop sound, and it is experimental.
Lyricist Charles Luck displays amazing talent with words. As a person who predominantly gets the feels from metal, these are some of the best lyrics I've heard in a long time. "Life on Mars" is filled with the kind of poetry that gives you makes you stop and think deep when all you meant to do is chill with some music.
Luck was right when he told me this album was a "rush," and I agree. Life on Mars is a collaboration piece. In most cases, no matter what genre, I'm skeptical about collaboration pieces. In most cases, collaborations fall short of brilliance. This album, however, succeeds.
This album completely denies the rules and guidelines of rap and hip-hop. Not only that, but taking the lyricist's talent and adding it to talented rappers makes it an undeniably listenable album. It's nothing like Drake or Snoop Lion has produced, yet it holds its own in the crowded genre.
A few favorite artists featured on this album are Tino Red, Kinkaide, and Gyro. My favorite song is When You're Down, featuring the latter. Goosebump city is all I can say.
First of all, Gyro provides a unique sound from the other artists on the album. The sound is amazing throughout the duration of the song. It also portrays a deep, dark meaning similar to Suicide Silence. This song may be sad, but it is motivational and I love it!
There are many other "bops" on the record. For instance, "Land of the Lost," "Kaleidescope," and "The Show" are also brilliant.
I urge my heavily music listeners to give this album a shot like I did. SoundChick will still give you all the news on the metal we love, but I promise you won't be sorry for giving this album a listen.